Friday, October 16, 2015

Tyler Breeze To The Main Roster: Promotion or Demotion???

Tyler Breeze To The Main Roster
Promotion or Demotion???
By: Anthony Hammett
Tyler Breeze had become a fan favorite with the NXT Fans

Earlier this week the news came down that Tyler Breeze had "quietly" been promoted to the main roster. He worked a dark match before the Smackdown tapings on Tuesday where he defeated Damien Sandow. This news comes well deserved for Breeze, who was one of the original cast of the new NXT. His gimmick is flamboyant and arrogant. Its everything you would want a prototypical heel to be in 1985. The problem is, this is 2015.

Over the last two years, he has had amazing matches with Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Tyson Kidd, Antonio Cesaro, Hideo Itami, and recently Jushin Thunder Liger. While his character may be slick and prim, when the bell rings his aggressiveness takes over and slowly the NXT crowd began to embrace Breeze as one of their own. He went from being a hated man to someone the crowd appreciated for his aggressive style along with the development of his character outside of the ring. When both are together, Breeze makes it apparent that he can be a main eventer. But will he ever get the chance to be?

In all of these feuds mentioned above, Breeze came out on the losing end. He has never been NXT champion. Now it appears he may never will be. This comes at a time when the crowd has strongly gotten behind Breeze at Full Sail where they record NXT. Is this move to the main roster because they have a spot prepared for Breeze, or is it a way to quiet the NXT crowd from demanding he get the belt? NXT has planned who has the title for a lengthy period of time and Tyler Breeze is obviously not part of those plans.

With John Cena set to take time off after Hell In A Cell, this could also be just a timing thing where there's an open spot and Breeze gets a chance to fill it. Can the WWE Universe get behind his character the way the NXT crowd did? That remains to be seen. Many people will not understand the depth of the character. They will see him taking selfies and protecting his face and immediately write him off as another Gorgeous George. Don't be that fan to make that mistake. Give Prince Pretty a chance to shine, WWE. He deserves the spotlight.

So, what do you think? Is this WWE giving Breeze a chance or is he a filler? Will we ever see him back in NXT holding championship gold that eluded him? We shall have to see how it all plays out.

Anthony Hammett is the Senior Editor of Wrestling Goons Radio