Monday, October 26, 2015
WGR's Hell In A Cell Postshow Podcast
WWE's Hell In A Cell had several shockers and a few yawn moments along the way. #WGRClub has you covered with everything that went down from Staples Center in Los Angeles. Alberto Del Rio is back in WWE! Mark isn't happy about his match with Cena. Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns had a hellacious match that we all felt stole the show. Seth Rollins squared off with Kane with Kane's job on the line if he lost. We discuss that along with the main event between Undertaker and Brock Lesnar along with the fallout afterwards from The Eater Of Worlds. Its 45 minutes to recap 3 full hours. You know you want to. Click it!
Saturday, October 24, 2015
WGR's Hell In A Cell Preview and Predictions According To Anthony
This Sunday, live on the WWE Network (or $54.95 on PPV if you are into throwing money away) from the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California, WWE Presents Hell In A Cell. For what is typically a B grade PPV, the WWE has thrown several superstars into the buildup old and new. It will be an interesting night to say the least. Why don't we get started with the preshow and work our way down?
Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro, and Neville vs King Barrett, Rusev, and Sheamus
Does it feel like a repeat from RAW? Oh, because it is. I'm guessing they are going to build three man teams all around. Does this mean we get a trios title eventually? I was really wanting Dolph Ziggler to turn heel amidst this Lana debacle, but that doesn't appear to be the case. To me, this is the feud of a bunch of people going nowhere fast. The match itself has six solid workers in it. It's just very hard for me to get into six man tag matches that have nothing to fight for. King Barrett being called a King is an insult to the King gimmick. He's been buried since receiving the crown and its getting worse by the week. They need the win here more than the babyfaces, so Im picking the Money In The Bank Brogue Kick to Neville for the victory for Team Middle East.
WWE Intercontinental Championship: Kevin Owens vs Ryback
Anyone who has listened to the podcast by now or knows me personally knows I'm a Kevin Owens mark. I marked out the first time he eye poked Ryback because of how heelish and cheap it came off. I felt content a second time because hey, I can believe Ryback would fall for the same trick twice. But three times?
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Kevin Owens is not impressed by Ryback |
Come on now, Big Guy. After seeing Owens powerbomb Mark Henry on Monday Night, watching him powerbomb Ryback should look effortless. Apparently Ryback has a powerbomb now too, so does that make this the battle of powerbombs? I just hope Kevin Owens can win without an eye poke. Do a nut punch. Do a foreign object. We haven't seen brass knucks in ages! But I do see Kevin Owens winning. Whats next for Ryback?
The Dudley Boyz vs The New Day New Day Rocks! Unfortunately, they will not be victorious on Sunday. I can see the writing on the wall. Time and time again,
The Dudley Boyz vs The New Day New Day Rocks! Unfortunately, they will not be victorious on Sunday. I can see the writing on the wall. Time and time again,
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Xavier feels the wrath of the 3D again |
The New Day has escaped with cheap wins over The Dudleyz, and in the world of wrestling that can only mean that the opposite happens on the PPV. However, look for the rematch to be a "Tables Match", and don't expect The Dudleyz to win their specialty match. New Day will rise again! Now WWE, please don't ignore Bubba Ray's ability to be good or bad. He's learned to cut damn good promos since he's been gone in that "Indy Promotion" you referred to on NXT this past week.
WWE Divas Championship: Charlotte vs Nikki Bella
I am 99.99% certain Charlotte wins here. It just makes no sense to take the title off of her so early just to give it back to the former champ after her longest reign. However, I said that with AJ and Paige and we saw how that went. I don't expect Charlotte to have a long title reign. Sasha Banks is who the crowd wants and eventually that's who they will get. For now, Charlotte will do fine. The match itself should be good for its spot on the card. Nikki Bella can be hated and that's fine, but people who refuse to give her in ring work credit (especially since the NXT callups) isn't being impartial.
WWE Title: Kane vs Seth Rollins (if Kane loses, he is no longer Director of Operations)
I could not be happier that this stipulation has been added for the title match with Rollins and Kane. Its ironic that I have always pushed for Kane to have a bigger role and always been a fan of him, but I just cannot get behind this Corporate role and Demon role that intertwine at the same time. You can look at Finn Balor and see it done properly as there is a morphism happening so to speak. Kane's comes off as completely unbelievable and in a way it takes away from the demon aspect to me because you realize he's just a demented man rather than this evil cryptic monster.
WWE Divas Championship: Charlotte vs Nikki Bella
I am 99.99% certain Charlotte wins here. It just makes no sense to take the title off of her so early just to give it back to the former champ after her longest reign. However, I said that with AJ and Paige and we saw how that went. I don't expect Charlotte to have a long title reign. Sasha Banks is who the crowd wants and eventually that's who they will get. For now, Charlotte will do fine. The match itself should be good for its spot on the card. Nikki Bella can be hated and that's fine, but people who refuse to give her in ring work credit (especially since the NXT callups) isn't being impartial.
WWE Title: Kane vs Seth Rollins (if Kane loses, he is no longer Director of Operations)
I could not be happier that this stipulation has been added for the title match with Rollins and Kane. Its ironic that I have always pushed for Kane to have a bigger role and always been a fan of him, but I just cannot get behind this Corporate role and Demon role that intertwine at the same time. You can look at Finn Balor and see it done properly as there is a morphism happening so to speak. Kane's comes off as completely unbelievable and in a way it takes away from the demon aspect to me because you realize he's just a demented man rather than this evil cryptic monster.
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Kane sends a message to Seth Rollins |
John Cena Open Challenge
Its the million dollar question we get every single week. Who will it be? We have all heard the rumors by now. Wrestling Goons Radio and yours truly has been saying for weeks now that THIS is John Cena's final match for two months. He's not being promoted for any shows until December 26th, I won't mention who he is facing on that card as it may be a spoiler, but for now I will say this could be anyone and I literally mean anyone. At first, I thought maybe it could be Dolph Ziggler with that superkick from RAW.
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Who will accept John Cena's open challenge? |
Then Tyler Breeze debuted on Smackdown as Summer Rae's new boo, and blew that heel turn theory out of the water. So could it be Tyler Breeze? That seems to be an IWC consensus. I am not so convinced. Its so early that while Kevin Owens did beat John Cena in his debut, I can't see Tyler Breeze doing the same. Whoever that leaves, they need to win this title if Cena is going away for two months. With that said, could it be Sheamus? He has a six man tag match on the preshow, but he could definitely face Cena later in the night. A wild card for me that I haven't heard anyone mention is Daniel Bryan. Yes, I am aware WWE isn't allowing him to wrestle. With Cena being gone, that could change. For now, Anthony will say with my final pick.......Dolph Ziggler still. Give it to him and Tyler can chase that.
Roman Reigns Vs Bray Wyatt (Hell In A Cell)
I've tried very hard to invest myself in this storyline and I just can't. I love Bray Wyatt and I don't mind Roman Reigns as much as some others may, but the story has just been.....bad. I still need to know Michael Cole......WHERE IS LUKE HARPER?!?!?! I'm glad Rowan is back but good grief. Connect some dots here when you give me something new on screen. The Wyatts supposedly won't matter anyway with Hell In A Cell (because we've never seen any magic tricks before or someone climb over the top). They say this is the be all end all (although Bray has said numerous times wherever Roman goes he will be there. Forever). I surely hope this is their last encounter. I expect Roman to win and continue making Bray look like crap. Its getting harder feud after feud to believe Bray Wyatt as a serious individual rather than a hokey fat man with delusional thoughts and false propaganda. WWE had something special with The Wyatt Family, and I'm unsure if they will ever rekindle it. I'm anxious to see the future of Braun Strowman mostly. Not so much for his ability, but just what direction they can do with the behemoth.
The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar (Hell In A Cell)
This feud began a decade ago. The Undertaker has never beaten Brock Lesnar (cleanly). Their last encounter saw Brock Lesnar lose technically to a choke out, but that came at the controversy of a quick triggered time keeper, a low blow, a blind ref, and sheer luck. This Sunday is the be all to end all in this feud as well. Lesnar has
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Where it all began at UFC 121 |
Final Thoughts
For a B Grade PPV, this is a pretty solid card. Every title is defended, and we have several unknowns along the way. My hope is that many of these feuds (Dudleyz/New Day, Roman/Bray, Kane/Seth, Taker/Brock) all wrap themselves up and we can move on to something else. Stay tuned here for the Post Show Podcast to follow WWE Hell In A Cell and The RAW Reaction for all of the fallout that awaits us.
Anthony Hammett is the Senior Editor of Wrestling Goons Radio
Thursday, October 22, 2015
WGR's RAW Reaction 10-19-15 The Shield Reunites
In this episode, its the Go-Home Show before Hell In A Cell, and all the stars were out! From Stone Cold Steve Austin, to The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar, to HBK Shawn Michaels, it was a night Dallas Texas will remember forever. Biggest of all, in the main event, THE SHIELD reunites for one night only! Anthony is not happy with the Undertaker and Stone Cold segments, and Brian and Mark tell him why he's a party pooper. There's all this and much more as we recap RAW from start to finish in a third of the time. Click it!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
WGR's ASC-NXT Takeover Smackdown???
This is a MUST LISTEN if you're a regular fan of the show, and if you're new to the product, THIS is the episode for you! We cover so many topics ranging from Rusev and Lana's engagement and the fallout, to John Cena's upcoming hiatus, Roman Reigns and his future rise to the top, and NXT Taking Over Smackdown in 2016? Yea its a whole bunch of theories and debates back and forth that is sure to entertain from intro to exit. Click It!
WGR's ASC - NXT Takeover Smackdown Podcast
Friday, October 16, 2015
Tyler Breeze To The Main Roster: Promotion or Demotion???
Tyler Breeze To The Main Roster
Promotion or Demotion???
By: Anthony Hammett
Promotion or Demotion???
By: Anthony Hammett
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Tyler Breeze had become a fan favorite with the NXT Fans |
Earlier this week the news came down that Tyler Breeze had "quietly" been promoted to the main roster. He worked a dark match before the Smackdown tapings on Tuesday where he defeated Damien Sandow. This news comes well deserved for Breeze, who was one of the original cast of the new NXT. His gimmick is flamboyant and arrogant. Its everything you would want a prototypical heel to be in 1985. The problem is, this is 2015.
Over the last two years, he has had amazing matches with Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Tyson Kidd, Antonio Cesaro, Hideo Itami, and recently Jushin Thunder Liger. While his character may be slick and prim, when the bell rings his aggressiveness takes over and slowly the NXT crowd began to embrace Breeze as one of their own. He went from being a hated man to someone the crowd appreciated for his aggressive style along with the development of his character outside of the ring. When both are together, Breeze makes it apparent that he can be a main eventer. But will he ever get the chance to be?
In all of these feuds mentioned above, Breeze came out on the losing end. He has never been NXT champion. Now it appears he may never will be. This comes at a time when the crowd has strongly gotten behind Breeze at Full Sail where they record NXT. Is this move to the main roster because they have a spot prepared for Breeze, or is it a way to quiet the NXT crowd from demanding he get the belt? NXT has planned who has the title for a lengthy period of time and Tyler Breeze is obviously not part of those plans.
With John Cena set to take time off after Hell In A Cell, this could also be just a timing thing where there's an open spot and Breeze gets a chance to fill it. Can the WWE Universe get behind his character the way the NXT crowd did? That remains to be seen. Many people will not understand the depth of the character. They will see him taking selfies and protecting his face and immediately write him off as another Gorgeous George. Don't be that fan to make that mistake. Give Prince Pretty a chance to shine, WWE. He deserves the spotlight.
So, what do you think? Is this WWE giving Breeze a chance or is he a filler? Will we ever see him back in NXT holding championship gold that eluded him? We shall have to see how it all plays out.
Anthony Hammett is the Senior Editor of Wrestling Goons Radio
Over the last two years, he has had amazing matches with Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Tyson Kidd, Antonio Cesaro, Hideo Itami, and recently Jushin Thunder Liger. While his character may be slick and prim, when the bell rings his aggressiveness takes over and slowly the NXT crowd began to embrace Breeze as one of their own. He went from being a hated man to someone the crowd appreciated for his aggressive style along with the development of his character outside of the ring. When both are together, Breeze makes it apparent that he can be a main eventer. But will he ever get the chance to be?
In all of these feuds mentioned above, Breeze came out on the losing end. He has never been NXT champion. Now it appears he may never will be. This comes at a time when the crowd has strongly gotten behind Breeze at Full Sail where they record NXT. Is this move to the main roster because they have a spot prepared for Breeze, or is it a way to quiet the NXT crowd from demanding he get the belt? NXT has planned who has the title for a lengthy period of time and Tyler Breeze is obviously not part of those plans.
With John Cena set to take time off after Hell In A Cell, this could also be just a timing thing where there's an open spot and Breeze gets a chance to fill it. Can the WWE Universe get behind his character the way the NXT crowd did? That remains to be seen. Many people will not understand the depth of the character. They will see him taking selfies and protecting his face and immediately write him off as another Gorgeous George. Don't be that fan to make that mistake. Give Prince Pretty a chance to shine, WWE. He deserves the spotlight.
So, what do you think? Is this WWE giving Breeze a chance or is he a filler? Will we ever see him back in NXT holding championship gold that eluded him? We shall have to see how it all plays out.
Anthony Hammett is the Senior Editor of Wrestling Goons Radio
Monday, October 12, 2015
Rusev Proposes to Lana: What Does WWE Do Now
Rusev Proposes To Lana:
What Does WWE Do Now?
What Does WWE Do Now?
Social media exploded this past week with the news that two WWE talents got engaged. "The Bulgarian Brute" Alexander Rusev and "The Ravishing Russian" Lana took to social media together with Lana proudly showing her engagement ring and a smile to boot. Congratulations to the two obviously, but now what does WWE do?
In the world of WWE in a land of predictability, they had to expect this would happen at some point, right? Ever since Rusev lost to John Cena at WWE Payback, the WWE has ran an angle where the couple split and Lana moved on to Dolph Ziggler. Rusev meanwhile started dating Summer Rae. This past Monday on RAW, Summer Rae proposes to Rusev. Rusev accepts her offer but NOT until he has championship gold. See the problem ahead?
What do they do now? Does WWE pretend this real life story didn't happen and continue running stories where Rusev stalks and belittles his now real life fiance? They could put Dolph with Summer Rae as they teased a few weeks ago (it begs the question if WWE knew of Rusev's proposal to Lana, which was said to be back in August). They could've started changing things then. But hold on, there's more as to why THAT might not work
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Dolph has other interests in mind |
How does WWE clean this mess up? Someone is going to be left out in the end, and that someone appears to be Summer Rae. Rusev will likely end up back with Lana and it will be interesting to see how they tie up all of those loose ends. Dolph Ziggler was stuck in limbo, so a feud with John Cena couldn't hurt his career in the short term, but could it put a final stamp on the glass ceiling like a Zack Ryder love triangle did? So many questions need to be answered, and it needs to be soon. However, with John Cena's two month absence set to take place at Hell In a Cell, we may not see any pieces of the puzzle start to fit together until 2016.
One thing is for certain, and that's nothing is for certain. Here's some future advice to anyone in creative writing. Be very careful when turning real life relationships into storylines. You can only control the work aspect of it.
Anthony Hammett is the Senior Editor for Wrestling Goons Radio
Friday, October 9, 2015
WGR's NXT TakeOver Respect Postshow Podcast
NXT TakeOver was the first ever main event by WWE where WOMEN ended the night. It was a 30 minute Iron-Woman match that was an instant classic between Bayley and Sasha Banks. We also have the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Invitation Semi-Finals and Finals. Also, Asuka makes her NXT debut against Dana Brooke. If you missed the show or want some debate on the outcomes, join us for this 40 minute episode. Click it!
WGR's NXT TakeOver Respect Postshow Podcast
WGR's NXT TakeOver Respect Postshow Podcast
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
WGR's WWE RAW Reaction 10-5-15 New Day Rises
Did you see Monday Night RAW? If you didn't, you missed the Dawning of a NEW DAY! The New Day ended the night much better than it began for them, taking out John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, and The Dudleyz. Any fan of WGR knows we loved that! Can we be done with the Wyatt and Reigns story already? Did Summer Rae propose to Rusev? More shenanigans from Corporate/Monster Kane with Seth Rollins as well. We cover a lot in a little bit of time. Its a half hour from Goons Mark and Anthony. Click it!
WGR's WWE RAW Reaction 10-5-15 New Day Rises Podcast
WGR's WWE RAW Reaction 10-5-15 New Day Rises Podcast
Monday, October 5, 2015
Beware of Fraudulent Wrestling Websites - Sports-Kingz
Sunday, October 4, 2015
WGR's WWE Live MSG Special Postshow Podcast
WWE Network Live from Madison Square Garden went down tonight. #WGRClub discusses everything from the good, the bad, and the ugly. Brock Lesnar began his #GoToHellTour taking on The Big Show. The New Day defended their tag titles against those Darn Dudleys, and the goons are always Pro New Day. We appreciate the return of Y2J in his chance at the IC title against Kevin Owens, and Seth Rollins gets a chance to win his US Title back from John Cena. Find out what all went down and what we think about it in this hour long episode. Click it!
WGR's WWE Live MSG Special Postshow Podcast
WGR's WWE Live MSG Special Postshow Podcast
Friday, October 2, 2015
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